AliciaBeishiJessiePeiAnXinyungZhenMayZhermin proudly presents!<3

06 January 2011


Okay, the title sounds like some pokemon potion. HAHA right, email me if u wan to know about this blog username and password cause i kind of got into it accidentally :) *yeahhhh* zhemay rocks like always. btw, i created a new blog too, gimme your email address if u wan to enter yeah :D

I just want to know, who else still remember about the existence of this blog, if yes please comment and dont spam the cbox unnecessary cause those sotongs *hint hint* will find hard time to catch up with us :D have a great year ahead PEOPLE. we're starting JC in a week time and stop slacking around *cough cough* [minmin: dont give me the "look-who-is-talking" face] :)

11 January 2010

Hi everyone! I'm back! Today, i will be relating an incident that happened ytd. However, this is some other people's story so i will merely be recounting it from a third person p.o.v.

In the evening, x was walking back to her room in boarding school. She met y and the two started talking. Meanwhile, a and b were sitting in their room, minding their own business. A heard xx's voice outside but she ignored xx and continued to mind her own business. SUDDENLY, a and b both heard someone inserting a key into their room door and trying to open it. B got up and went to open the door.

Let us come back to x. After talking to y, x went back to the room. She inserted her key into the keyhole and tried to open it. However, she realized the room cannot be opened. "Did the boarding school changed the lock or something?"

Now, everyone should know what happen right. When b opened the door, it was none other than x, who thought that she was at her room at AAAA but was actually at BBBB, one level down at aa's room. X, not realizing she walked the wrong way, was very surprised to see b "in her room". Suddenly, all of them realised what is happening and started laughing. THE END.

31 December 2009

HEY EVERYONE! Its 2&1/2mins to 2010!!! :DD
And yes i am the MIA, the dead one, the ONE, ALICIA!! **applause

2mins to 2010.

Just locked myself in my room as there's a rat downstairs. I hate rats. Cant believe that im spending the last min before 2010 with my laptop. And the RAT. I'm missing out all the fireworks outside. DD:

1min to 2010.
Just to clear up 2009 stuff, sorry beishi bout your birthday thing! And zhermin too! Happy belated birthday to both of u! *Birthday song plays~

1/2min 2010.
BYEBYE 2009~!! I wont miss u!

12.00am! 2010!

12.01am! 2010!
My New Year list of goals:
1. Eat hard.
2. Play hard.
3. Work hard!

12.02am! 2010!
BYEBYE EVERYONE! See yall in 3 days! 3 days! 3 days!
Someone slap me. BYEE!

04 December 2009

I SHALL POST! Whooooooo~

Heh bet first person to see this post will be....

ME! heh. Eh when you see this please leave a tag haha! I want to so how often people check this blog.

Anyway I have nothing to say but it's supposed to be significant. It's my first time posting here, no? Haha I can't remember actually.

Meh suddenly feel very dead. ALICIA AND JESSIE how can you all forget my birthday ): Not like you guys visit this blog anyway, so I guess this is a little pointless as well. Walao.

ROAR. Lion (: Brush your teeth hahahah.
Mehhh. I am bored, but everyone's asleep.

You know Ali's MIA, her lj's deserted ): And she didn't wish me happy birthday that's why it wasn't happy. Jessie hahahah at least she called me. Peian was on fb, zhermin of course lah haha.

Zhenmay...saw her blog updated, means still living. XY also MIA for a few days already. Ask her when is she comin back also never reply D<>:D such a noob.

Sian I am still bored. BORED. Fb also become so sian. Nothing happen zzz.

Buhbye I shall go watch tv ._.

20 August 2009

Halo everyone! This is the malaysian scholar typing. I'm in the middle of our LA lesson now. Kind of bored so just took some time to came here and included the names of pei an and zher min! which we keep forgetting and putting it off like forever, what with national day and breakthru. Speaking of which, havent do yet. Mrs toh wants it soon. impossible la. we are all busy people! Busy eating, busy watching movies, busy chatting, busy playing bridge. A lot of things to do la. Anyway, welcome pei an and zher min to the blog!

15 August 2009


Planning national Day is really fun haha. Mistakes happen here and there but it is still very fun. So no matter what happens, everyone must stick tgt okay! Dont blame yourself or someone else. Its the learning part that matters. (wow this is not me) At most everyone gets to taste different types and flavours luh! even better what XD

SOC SEMINAR IS WEIRD. I chose a topic that dont have any info on it on the web. Which is bad. I think i will fail this thing liao. D:

12 August 2009

Hello everybody! im here to save the blog! TADADADA~

okay wdv. anyway, block test results are out! okay only some papers are given back, still. Some really suck la but luckily still got some other good ones. Looking on the bright side, its actually balanced. Too much of a good thing is not good. So everyone must cheer up!

Okay pullout lesson's over. byebye.